Wellbeing Time Bundle No.1

Money & Success

Thinking to help you get all the benefits of Wellbeing Time, our healing and transformation technology, we have developed an irresistible offer, so that you can apply all the themes of the wellbeing Time program.

As you may already know, Wellbeing Time is a healing and transformation technology that uses an audio visual program developed for 4 categories of the human need for healing, reprogramming and evolution.

The 4 areas are:

  • Money & Success
  • Health & Wellness
  • Love & Relationship
  • Spirituality & Life's Purpose

Follow the step by step:
Click below and request your Wellbeing Time Bundle#1 for Money & Success.

2. Make your initial registration and make payment with complete security via Credit Card or Paypal.  

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Share with those you love and care

Wellbeing Time integrates a series of audio visual stimuli so that you can deprogram your human matrix which you copied and recorded during your childhood until your puberty.

Many of your files are positive memories of your past, but you also bring memories of trauma that need to be healed an reprogram new content to build the life you love to live. 

It is like having an iphone with installed programs that you no longer want to use because it carries social, cultural, family and financial codes that do not help you in making your dreams come true. In fact, this software recorded in your mind, which is like a computer, is infected with a virus that sabotages your own happiness.

It is necessary to remove these applications from your memory and reprogram your computer with new software, called the superhero of your soul.   

The purpose of this healing and transformation technology is to assist you in reprogramming your real identity based on your spiritual and divine connection.

You will activate brain waves that will put you in a Theta mode, where you will be receptive to reprogram your subconscious mind files. 

Only then will you be able to manifest new realities with your true design, bringing the best version of yourself alive. 

Thinking to assist you in this mission and accelerate your healing and transformation process, we created four combos to integrate the Wellbeing Time programs.

In Bundle 1, linked to Money, Success and Freedom, we joined two Wellbeing Time Programs: 

1. Money, Success & Freedom

2. Stop Procrastination 

These two pieces of information are essential for you to achieve the unblocking of beliefs and patterns of behaviour that limit you from having an abundant and prosperous life. You need to deprogram you procrastinating behaviours and reprogram your subconscious mind with files that will help your action and connection power to achieve your professional success and thereby achieve your financial freedom.

With this Prosperity Bundle, you will be inspired to build the wealth and determination mindset. If you have not ye reached the prosperity you crave, do not be discouraged.

Great people who have achieved success had a childhood with poverty programming. What made them rich was to seek new content and models so that they could learn new habits and behaviours that made them great champions of their own stories.

It’s your Wellbeing Time!


Become the Super Hero of Your Own Story.

"Providing self-development tools for people to live their best lives"